Friday, September 4, 2009

Halloween Scene: Halloween H2O & Zombie Island Massacre

Hey, even though things aren't all rosy, doesn't mean you can't depend on me for reviews of old movies you've either seen or have no intention of seeing. Yesterday, on what will be my last Train-Ing Video in a while, I watched Halloween H20 (1998) for the very first. time. As long time readers will remember, from my posts about the Halloween movies last year, I had seen the first 5 movies in the original series and then watched Rob Zombie's remake, but I watched Curse for the first time and hadn't seen H20 or Resurrection yet.

So, it wasn't a bad movie. It had Jamie Lee Curtis, Adam Arkin (from Chicago Hope), Josh Hartnett, Michelle Williams, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (Nash Bridges AND Prison Break!) and Janet Leigh (who I didn't not know was Jamie Lee Curtis' mom). The whole ignoring-4-6 and being a little too Scream were definitely annoying and don't make the series hold up in the long run, but I can see how it would be a good introduction to teenagers in the 90s who maybe hadn't seen the originals yet. I'm not going to really get into it, because, frankly, BC over at HMAD summed my thoughts up pretty well in his review from 2007 (except for the whole "different opinion every time he sees it" thing, cause, you know, I've only seen it once).

I do think it would have been cool if this was the end of the original series of movies, but, not having seen Resurrection, but still reading a few things, I know that Michael got better from that decapitation (or it was a paramedic or some such nonsense?). While I'm not planning on seeing Zombie's Halloween 2 any time soon, I probably will check out Resurrection relatively soon and let you know what's up.

I also watched a little movie called Zombie Island Massacre (1984) on NetBox this morning. Yes it's stupid, and SPOILER, no, there aren't any actual zombies in it (hence the lack of the "zombie" label), but any movie that starts with a white guy in a tribal mask sneaking up on his girlfriend/wife who's taking a shower, then jumps into Hatchet-territory with a tour group going to see some weird stuff, then it kind of gets into Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things and Night of the Living Dead zones. It really is a pastiche and it's not bad, but it's also not good and if you've ever seen a movie like this you'll know what the twist ending will be.

One question I had though: how did they take a bus to the resort's sister island? I could have easily missed a simple plot point about this, but I still laughed later once I saw the bus. Oh well. It's got very little gore, but enough nudity to kind of make up for it.

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