*Haha, Suzie says that if KellyAnne gets bounced it would be good for her, then Johanna corrects her "us." Sorry chica, she does not care about you.
*Dunbar might be proving that he's not a walking powder keg this season.
*Yes Johnny, everyone's gunning for you because you're an asshat. Also, those guys don't care about you, you're just there.
*Is it me or is all Kenny good for this season is adding color commentary during the interview process?
*Johnny of COURSE Evan's playing the game for himself and not you!
*Oh Veronica, don't talk about throwing the mission. But it's true that she will always get thrown in between Johanna and Suzie.
*Everyone's pretty dumb about setting up their strategy for the challenge. It makes the most sense to have the dudes tossing over and the girls catching.

*The challenge involves throwing and catching fruit and moving it. Huh.
*The over-the-head backwards throw seems to make the most sense.
*Those pointy fruits look scary.
*Once again, Kenny ain't really doing shit.
*Sorry children of Thailand who were hoping for some fresh fruit, an American TV show full of drunks needed them for a game. Yes, a game.
*Of course the Champions win. Blerg.
*The idea of taking on someone with the most money is a concept we haven't seen yet. I wonder if the money is posted somewhere that they can see.
*The Champions deliberation is annoying. Johnny Bananas tells Veronica she can't choose her own opponent because that's not how it's been done in the past.

*Evan's plan is so obvious, why doesn't anyone see it? Oh snap, Veronica's in the room. That's awesome. Hopefully this will come back to bite Suzie and Johanna.
*So it's Veronica vs. KellyAnne and Syrus vs. Cohutta.
*Johnny worked his devil magic to get Syrus thrown in so him and Derrick wouldn't have to.
*Derrick is really coming off as a huge pussy throughout this season. I'm shocked that no one has tried to make a counter alliance. Maybe if Syrus comes back (which I don't think he will unless the challenge is purely strength based) it'll happen. As it is, the Champions team is so freakin shady.
*Suzie was saying she's allied herself with Evan, Kenny and Johanna. There's still enough people not in that alliance that could equal them. Really, I just want Derrick to show some sack and do something.
*Did anyone else find it odd that Cohutta and KellyAnne were talking to each other on a couch alone? Maybe Wes was on to something with the flirting thing.
*We shall see.
*This Ruins challenge is a lot crazier than the regular fruit-throwing challenge.
*I think Cohutta can do this. "I think if a man has a real good shimmy about him, he should do okay in this competition." Yeah, attaboy!
*Hmm, interesting point Evan. If Cohutta wins and has all this money, that might actually get someone like Kenny or Evan into the Ruins. I want to make a comic called Cohutta The Giant Killer.
*That didn't look like such a good start for Cohutta. Is this a one time thing or best of three? I should really pay better attention when they're explaining the rules.
*HE DID IT!!! But, I'm bummed that Syrus couldn't go back and try to make some changes. Oh well.

*Sorry Veronica, I think KellyAnne is gonna wreck your shop. That means that stupid Johanna and Suzie will have to go in.
*That has to be exhausting over a period of time. KA's gotta be the strongest girl in this whole game.
*KA pulls off the V, sorry V.
*Well done Challengers.
*Now Evan's trying to be all badass saying he won't miss her. Bullshit homey.
*Now it's just Suzie and Johanna left. Haha, Suzie thinks she's gonna take some of the Challenger girls out. What happens if there's no more girls?

*Johnny thinks it's funny to fuck with Derrick? Bad idea. He leaps off his bed to attack Johnny!
*"Who brings feathers to Thailand? What are you a drag queen?" Evan RE: Johnny
*Is this gonna get Derrick sent home?

*Johnny is such an asshole. Haha, yeah, JB, being a loud asshole probably isn't the best strategy.
*Casey does need to go, you're right, next episode commercial!
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